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Our product expert will guide you through our demo to show you how to automate testing for every part of your workflow.

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Data stack integration
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Get a 30-minute demo
and see datafold in action
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Datafold Demo Day

Data diffing, column-level lineage, BI integrations, impact analysis, and SQL translation, what doesn't Datafold do?!
During this 45 minute introductory session, we’ll jump straight into the new product innovations in Datafold. Our team of presenters will highlight how Datafold data diffing capabilities and column-level lineage can support your data team with proactive data testing across:
  • Deployment Testing: Prevent bad dbt deploys with automated testing in the CI.
  • Migration Testing: Plan, translate, and validate tables across databases at scale using the 3-in-1 migration toolkit.
  • Replication Testing:  Ensure replication efforts are working as expected with proactive alerting.

What to expect:

  • An in-depth look at Datafold Cloud’s robust data diff, CI integration, and column-level lineage features.
  • Use cases for how Datafold Cloud can support, automate, and speed up your team's development and migration speed.
  • A live Q+A session.
Thursday, August 29th
11:00 Am PT / 2:00 pm ET

Meet our presenters

Data Engineer at Datafold
This is some text inside of a div block.
Solutions Engineer at Datafold
This is some text inside of a div block.

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Virtual Hands-on Labs

A virtual community for data practitioners to engage in office hours with Datafold Solutions & Data Engineers
Up next

Running dbt at scale

In our next meetup, we will discuss the best practices and challenges of running dbt at scale, including:
How to navigate speed/data quality/compliance risks and trade-offs
How to establish and scale great developer workflow
Best practices for documentation, knowledge sharing and onboarding
How to scale dbt beyond the data team in a large organization
and more! Join us to learn from and share your experience with the leading data teams and practitioners.
May 11, 2023
9:00 am pst

Speakers and Panelists

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