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June 20, 2024

Datafold is now available on Google Cloud Marketplace

Data teams can now use pre-committed Google Cloud spend to acquire Datafold directly through the Google Cloud Marketplace.

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Kira Furuichi

Datafold is now available to purchase on Google Cloud Marketplace. Data teams on GCP can now leverage pre-committed spend to purchase and use Datafold to automate testing during the CI/CD process, data reconciliation across databases, and data monitoring.

Data teams today are challenged more than ever to acquire the tooling they need to scale, govern, and test their data to meet growing business demands. For data teams that are evaluating data quality tools, who may be restricted by budget, utilizing pre-committed Google Cloud spend can be a solution. Now, data teams can acquire Datafold directly through the Google Cloud Marketplace, contribute to their committed spend levels, and acquire the proactive data quality testing platform.

If you would like to learn more about purchasing Datafold via the Google Cloud Marketplace, please reach out to our team today.